Yeah...me too. I see myself as this lady, only minus the curlers because I didn't take time to curl my hair, minus the necklace and outfit, because I'm still in my pajamas, and plus some puke down one side of me, slobber on my shoulder, breastmilk staining my shirt, wet up to my elbows with poopy water, freshly washed out cloth diaper in one hand, an infant on one hip, and pushing a toddler down the hall with one leg while I hold the broom in my hand.
Too bad I don't usually think to throw a towel over my shoulder like she did! It sure would save me from the messy shoulder that I always have!! LOL!
I find myself thinking back to those days when my husband and I worked in the same place. When we could help eachother with business things and go to lunch together each day. When we talked about fun stuff. I miss being the lady that he could talk to without thinking about kids and poopy diapers or boogers. The one that he laughed with and teased. I remember back when there was no confusion about whether boobs were for fun or for food...and sleep was more than a faint memory. I'm so happy in my life with my kids. I am so blessed with such a beautiful family and still so often I feel like my relationship with my husband has slipped into an icky sticky rut.

I want my husband to see me like this picture! I want him to feel the peace of God, the peace that surpasses all understanding, when he is with me. I want him to feel healthier because I'm around and be proud that I'm the mother of his 3 gorgeous children. I want him to see me walk through the throes of motherhood with poise, peace, honor, and class.
Sadly, I have not been successful yet, but I am a hard working woman with a lot of moxy and up until now, I didn't know what I wanted. Now I do. So today's prayer is for the mommies, because we need some prayer too!
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says "Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's!"
Dear Lord,
I pray that you will be with all of the mommies out there and especially those who are struggling with their self-worth right now. Lord, remind us to take a step back, count our blessings, and make the decision to take pristine care of the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Lord, I pray that you will give us the courage to seek a relationship with you and to take time to cultivate our own growth in you, as we all pray that our children will do one day. Father, we struggle to lead them to you everyday and forget to lead them by our own example. We forget that taking time to take care of ourselves, body, mind, and soul, shows them that they should take the time to take care of themselves, body, mind, and soul.
God, I pray that you will give us your peace, give us your calm and constant care and help us to adopt these things in caring for our families. I pray that you will give us insight into ways to make our relationships with our husbands stronger and healthier. Guard our marriages and our families. Help us to remember that you are #1 in our lives, that you should be central, the part that everything else revolves around.
Thank you, Father, for all that you have given us. We praise your name!
In Christ's name,