So, in Mama Nettie's household this's been quite interesting. Logan's second tooth popped through today!!! FINALLY FINALLY!!!! He is asleep right now...and I find myself out here typing a message to all of you wonderful Mommies out there instead of going to sleep!!! (Bad Nettie!!!) Oh well, my heart would rather be sharing with you all than sleeping. I'll sleep when my kids are grown!!
Bella spent a night with a friend of mine this week. It was an experience for sure! (She was supposed to stay 2 nights, but Sarah was a bit out of her element with no sleep to speak of!)It was Bella's first night away from Family. The only place she has ever spent a night away from me is with my Mom and Daddy (and Ethan was with her), or at home with family when I was in the hospital having each of the boys. I was so amazed at how she did! She will be 3 at the end of this week, so she is still a bit young for sleepovers, but she did great until it came time to go to sleep. She wanted to play and never let the playtime end. They took her to the mall and let her paint a little porcelain dog!
It is absolutely unrecognizable!!! And she loves it sooo much!! It is supposed to hang on the wall, but she carries it around with her on a styrophome plate everywhere she goes!
Having my baby spend time away from me brought a scripture to mind. It is Genesis 31:49 And Mizpah, for he said "May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent one from the other." Being a mother is like nothing else in the world. It is a complete act of faith on a daily basis. Do you remember the first night you spent away from your baby?? Share with us! And join me as I say a quick little prayer for us all.
Dear Lord,
We praise you for your blessings and your love. We thank you for having mercy on our souls and making us your children. Thank you Father for our families. Lord thank you for being our comfort and for giving us insight and instincts to protect our children. We pray that you will watch over them always, whether they are in our arms, or far away from us. Guide their steps and their hearts to you Father.
Lord I ask a special blessing on those mothers out there who do not know you. I pray that you will allow opportunity to arise for each one of us, your children, to share the comfort that you bring to us in this uncertain world with a mom who hasn't felt it yet. And I pray that you will give us the words that touch her heart and open her up to you. Lord, you are the reason that I can go to sleep at night, or put my babies in the car and go to the grocery store, or walk over to the park and let them play, without constant fear for their safety. You give me insights that allow me to see an accident before it happens and keep my children safe. You give me the strength and courage to discipline them when people are watching and so openly judging my actions. Father, I cannot imagine life without my faith in you, and I want to share it. So, my prayer is for an opportunity to allow your spirit to speak through me and reach someone.
Bless the hearts of those sharing this prayer, Father.
In Christ name,
John 14:1 Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me. There is more than enough room in my father's house.
Thank You for being more than enough, for having more than enough room for us, and for allowing us to be enough through Your power. Please strengthen our trust in You so that our hearts will not be troubled.
In Jesus name,
My first night away from both Taylor and Kaelie came entirely too soon. Little Taylor was only seven days old when the nurse in NICU forced me to go home and sleep there. I had spend the previous 4 nights sleeping in a chair by her side post surgery and the nurse finally said I need to just go home and actually get some sleep. I knew that she was right when as I was walking out of the NICU I stopped to talk to another mom and I couldn't remember my name. I stumbled around for a few minutes and finally spit it out. With our precious Kaelie, I did not get to spend a night with her until she was 8 days old. How my heart BROKE with both of my girls.
We gather together humbly before you and we thank you Lord. We thank you for our children and we thank you that you have restored our sweet Taylor and Kaelie's health. We praise Your name and we give every bit of the Glory to You!
Lord, please continue to watch over our precious children. Father, I know that you have made me aware of the potential dangers that my little Jeremy faces, and Father, I ask you to continue to shed light upon the path that we need to see so that we may be clear on how to protect him legally. Lord, I beg of you to help me keep faith in You as this court case approaches. So many times Lord, I feel like I cannot possibly go on learning more about the potentially horrible situation our Jeremy could be in. Please hold me close during these times. I know I need you MOST during those moments. Lord, please give my attorney the wisdom and the right words to help the judge see that a loving, caring, law abiding and Christian home is where Jeremy belongs full time. Lord please help me see this case through while maintaining my stregnth and my patience.
In Jesus' precious name,