Saturday, July 17, 2010

I absolutely love sharing...

our prayers for our children! If anyone hasn't clicked on the comments below the last prayer, you need to. One of the sweetest Mommies that I know shared her prayer with us. Thank you Les. I love you!

So, in Mama Nettie's household this's been quite interesting. Logan's second tooth popped through today!!! FINALLY FINALLY!!!! He is asleep right now...and I find myself out here typing a message to all of you wonderful Mommies out there instead of going to sleep!!! (Bad Nettie!!!) Oh well, my heart would rather be sharing with you all than sleeping. I'll sleep when my kids are grown!!
Bella spent a night with a friend of mine this week. It was an experience for sure! (She was supposed to stay 2 nights, but Sarah was a bit out of her element with no sleep to speak of!)It was Bella's first night away from Family. The only place she has ever spent a night away from me is with my Mom and Daddy (and Ethan was with her), or at home with family when I was in the hospital having each of the boys. I was so amazed at how she did! She will be 3 at the end of this week, so she is still a bit young for sleepovers, but she did great until it came time to go to sleep. She wanted to play and never let the playtime end. They took her to the mall and let her paint a little porcelain dog! It is absolutely unrecognizable!!! And she loves it sooo much!! It is supposed to hang on the wall, but she carries it around with her on a styrophome plate everywhere she goes!

Having my baby spend time away from me brought a scripture to mind. It is Genesis 31:49 And Mizpah, for he said "May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent one from the other." Being a mother is like nothing else in the world. It is a complete act of faith on a daily basis. Do you remember the first night you spent away from your baby?? Share with us! And join me as I say a quick little prayer for us all.
Dear Lord,

We praise you for your blessings and your love. We thank you for having mercy on our souls and making us your children. Thank you Father for our families. Lord thank you for being our comfort and for giving us insight and instincts to protect our children. We pray that you will watch over them always, whether they are in our arms, or far away from us. Guide their steps and their hearts to you Father.
Lord I ask a special blessing on those mothers out there who do not know you. I pray that you will allow opportunity to arise for each one of us, your children, to share the comfort that you bring to us in this uncertain world with a mom who hasn't felt it yet. And I pray that you will give us the words that touch her heart and open her up to you. Lord, you are the reason that I can go to sleep at night, or put my babies in the car and go to the grocery store, or walk over to the park and let them play, without constant fear for their safety. You give me insights that allow me to see an accident before it happens and keep my children safe. You give me the strength and courage to discipline them when people are watching and so openly judging my actions. Father, I cannot imagine life without my faith in you, and I want to share it. So, my prayer is for an opportunity to allow your spirit to speak through me and reach someone.
Bless the hearts of those sharing this prayer, Father.
In Christ name,

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I blink and it's been 3 days since I've even...

had a shower, picked up a book, finish the sentence your way! Have you ever had that day/week/month that it seems like something is always standing between you and getting anything accomplished? That kind of time where you're not sure what you did today, but you're grubby, dog tired, with bags under your eyes, and you look around and somehow an explosion has taken place in your home. Maybe you find your purse, or possibly a pot holder or clean mixing bowl in the fridge and none of your children are big enough to open the fridge? Or you notice that you cannot walk through your livingroom because somehow it had seemed like a good idea to fold the laundry there and your children thought it seemed like a great place to UNFOLD the laundry and mix in as many toys as they could find (and possibly a peanut butter fold over or part of a banana...) LOL!

My little Logan (6 mos) has been teething miserably over the last few days. His first tooth finally popped through and showed it's little head, but the second one is close behind and causing all sorts of mayhem for my little guy! Long story short, sleep is something that I can't quite remember ever having experienced....! And even still, it hit me today that I haven't had a shower in a couple of days, I haven't had a glass of water since last night (it's 4PM), and I haven't picked up my Bible for time with my Lord in a while. I've been on auto pilot, just letting life happen to me, and never awake enough to take care of my body, mind or soul!

All of these things that seem so overwhelming and big in our lives, will work themselves out if we will start our days and fill our minds with the one who's bigger! Let's pray together Ladies!

Dear God in Heaven,

We thank you so much for the many many blessings that you've given us! We praise you for our beautiful children. We praise you for the sleepless nights when we have hours of one on one time comforting our babies, and we praise you for the quiet nights that some of us are experiencing now and others of us are really looking forward to!! Thank you for giving us a sense of humor. Help us to laugh at ourselves when we're a little crazy from lack of sleep, and give us clarity of mind on the things that really matter.

Lord, our desire is to raise up children who will follow you, and dedicate their lives to you, and yet we find ourselves going days without really sitting down and meditating upon your word. Father, please put a desire in our hearts to worship, to read, to study, and to meditate upon your word every day. For those of us who have had little sleep, Father, please give us clarity of mind and wakefulness when we pick up the Bible. We give our hearts to you Father. We lift up our children to you, and pray that you will give us the strength to take care of our bodies and minds(your temple) even when we are exhausted.

Lord, we know that our children will serve you the way that we serve you, so we beg you to help us serve you better. Remind us Father, that you want the best of us, not the leftovers. Help us to remember that if we give you the best, the leftovers will be much much more, because you bear the brunt of our struggles for us and we can live with peace and joy in our souls.

We love you Lord. Help us to serve you with all of our hearts.

In Christ' Name we pray,


Saturday, July 10, 2010

My little Bella will be 3 at the end of the month and... seems that she has been in transition from baby to big girl over the last few weeks. It has been an incredibly challenging few weeks for the both of us! She has decided that everything should be done her way. She should go to bed when she wants to, eat when and what she wants to, and blatantly disobey any time she feels like it. She is so smart and so sweet, but I want to scream when she says things like "Mommy, I need my water." and I tell her "ok, bring me your cup and I'll get it for you." and she says (very matter-of-factly) " can go get it yourself." That's when I take a deep breath, breathe a little prayer, and say back to her (Also, very matter-of-factly) "If you want water, you will bring me your cup."

It is like, all of the sudden, we have to re-define the boundaries, and re-teach respect and kindness. And then there are those moments when I can watch her make a decision and it's the right one, and I praise God and shower her with approval! Today she chose not to hit back when her brother knocked her over the head with a wooden car! I could see the wheels turning in there. I could almost see her weighing the options. Ethan is not even 2 yet and is suffering from severe frustration with his inability to communicate well. Bella looked at the toy stethoscope that she had in her hand, and then chose not to hit him! She pointed her little finger at him and she said "Ethan, Please do not hit me!" I was beside myself with pride! She stood up for herself with respect and kindness!

Dear Lord,

We come to you with our heads bowed low, begging you to give us the insight, wisdom, and patience that we need to raise our children to follow you. Lord, in this world that makes a Christian mom feel so out of place, please wrap your arms around us and fortify us with your strength in our weakest moments.

Lord, we thank you so much for our children; for our healthy children and those who suffer with illness. We thank you for every moment. Thank you Father for guiding our steps through the difficult times.

Lord, we ask you to bless our babies with strong wills so that they may remain faithful to you when they are grown, and we aks you to bless us with stronger wills so that we may raise them up to follow you!

In Jesus Christ's Name we pray,


If you have a scripture, a story, a challenge, a sorrow, or a victory to share, please comment below!

Did you ever have that know...the kind that...

feels like it will never....ever end, and if it does end, you'll be bald and trembling and curled up in the fetal position, next to your crying infant and the toddler that just fell off of the top bookshelf and banged his head??? too!

There will not be a lot of pictures in this blog. I will put in a few occasionally I'm sure, but this is a place to pray. Mom's join me. Let's lift our babies up to our Lord and let him make each day count.

Please take a moment to comment, or add to the prayers you find here. Every mom needs to know she isn't out there on her own. Whether you have 12 kids or only 1 you still have those days where you're not sure that you can go on. Let's share our prayer requests. Let's share our joys and our sorrows on this journey of motherhood.

In Him,
Mama Nettie